Some days we could all use extra motivation.
This message aims to embolden you to dare to 'take that one step' towards change for the better.
This is a reminder to stay on your own team. You REALLY can afford to back yourself. It is a decision.
May these cuppas fortify and embolden you.
Enjoy your cuppas.
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You can afford to believe in and back yourself always.
Stay true - it's your time... and you are NEVER alone.
NOTE: All profits from #wordsonstuff go towards ACCELERATOR scholarships.
THE ACCELERATOR is personal growth programme delivered online in a 52 week 'long soak' journey of very personal education. It has a proven track record with solid foundations and practical tools that enhance quality of life across the board. #wordsonstuff profits are used to fund scholarships so every purchase pays it forward to someone you do not even know.